Because that’s what being ‘family’ is all about


“I still don’t understand why you need me to be in your group and to help you out with the ministry”  Jane, filled with tears asked me meekly. At the same time, Adam just a few days back posted the message on the left on my wall. Yep, these are the same two friends of mine whom I spoke about a while back who had just undergone major relationship breakups in their lives. I didn’t know how to address Jane ; how do I articulate that this is what a family does – we stick together no matter what, good times, bad times, at all times, we are still together – and that we are bounded by love for each other.

“But you don’t do that with others, you have so much more things on your plate to see to, you don’t need this” Jane continued to protest and defend her argument that she was just being deadweight to my group.  I was amused and surprised. How can I treat family deadweight? And that’s when I realise that this what it means to love one another. That no matter what, you stick by them, through thick or thin. True, as what Jane innocently commented and asked – what about the rest? – I believe that they too have others looking after them. And that the friends and the people whom God has blessed me with, those are the people I should be looking out for.  I am not the saviour of the world, but I am just doing my part to look out for my friends.

Which brings me to Adam’s heart-warming message above. The timing of that message could not be more apt. Granted I have not been the best person that has been in touch with him, my thoughts are also with Adam. I do wonder from time to time how he is coping, and I do, especially at these trying times for both Adam and Jane, try to keep them in prayer. Why? Because that’s what being “family” is all about – it’s about making sure your siblings are well taken care off, it’s about ensuring that no matter how difficult things get, you will always stick by them. In the good times and bad times.

Sometimes I really wonder why I care so much – maybe in a way, as what a priest once told me, that I have an amazing heart and that I should always learn to treasure it. I believe however, the reason why I care so much is primarly two-fold – one because He first loved me ; two – because that’s what it means to be a witness to Christ.

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