I often find it quite interesting whenever people often remark or comment that the God of the Old Testament is very different from the God of the New Testament. This dicthotomy is known as Marcionism and it was condemned as a heresy in the early formation of the church’s life.
I was just pondering today on today’s readings where God invites all to participate in his salvation plan. I’m not going to qoute scripture and all that here but I do want to take a moment to just reflect on today’s reading. God’s plan for salvation is for all.
I had to admit it did get me thinking for a while as I was sitting down in the pew. I was hoping the priest would shed some light into the gospel reading but sadly that wasn’t the case as he was talking on something else. Anyway that didn’t deter me from thinking about it during the “homily”.
The aspect it got me thinking was more along the lines of me being a sinner and unworthy of God’s favour. Over the last couple of months, though it has been tough on me, God’s grace and favour has been upon me. Despite my shortcomings and my failures to live the Christian life, God has been very merciful and generous to this rut. Sometimes I do feel that I am unworthy of God’s grace. Afterall aren’t we thought that as we reap so we sow? I mean isn’t that how we treat our relationships with friends around us? I scratch your back. you scratch mine?
And yet, God, who is known to be all good and all knowing, in his great mercy and generousity grants us blessings, despite us failing to earn it. Despite our empty promises to God, our failed resolutions to be a better son or daughter to God, God in his infiite love is still able to bless us. People often admire those who have big hearts and are able to give lovingly and freely to help others. I think the one who has the biggest heart is God. Cuz despite of our reapeated shortcomings, God is still able to look past our mistakes and come to our aid (Psalm 91). As the foreign woman (Cannanite) begged Jesus repeatedly to heal her daughter, Jesus, moved by compassion and her faith, eventually gave in. Jesus could have easily ignored her. He could have just refused to listen. But the woman’s persistant cry and her humility is what saved her daughter’s life. (Read Matthew 15)
How many of us are like that? We all have our needs, and we do bring it to God, but how many of us are humble enough to approach our Lord like the foreign Cannanite did? From this gospel’s reading, it tells us that our God is one that is full of compassion. Even if we don’t deserve it rightfully, God is able to look beyond our justification and reasoning and still bless us by listening to our prayers.
But that doesn’t mean we are then allowed to just fall back to our old ways. Miracles are always preceded with conversion. When God touches our lives, how do we respond to Him? Do we just thank Him and revert to our old habits? Or is there a conversion in our hearts. A desire to follow Him because of what He did to us?