My Unifi Experience


“Dude, it only takes me less than an hour and a half to download a movie” my colleague proudly beemed to me over lunch one fine day. We were discussing about TM’s unifi broadband service and my colleague was one of the 1st people I knew to have it installed at his place.

I couldn’t believe it when he told me that. 1.5 GB in under 2 hours? My current streamyx could only deliver a 1.5 GB download over a night, but nothing more.

Ever since then I was on a mission to determine when on earth unifi would appear at my neighbourhood. Eventually over time I had gotten news about people saying that TM was laying some cables beneath the manholes in my neighbourhood, and 3 months ago, I saw the first “promotion counter” at my local shopping mall.

I signed up for it pretty fast and fastforward two months later, I already have unifi in my house. I won’t go through the details set up however I must say that Jason has done a fantastic job in detailing out his unifi installation and review.

The speed so far has been amazing. I decided to put my colleague’s statement to the test by downloading a movie with relatively high seeds and to my shocking amazement, it really was first! I managed to download the movie (1.5 GB in size) under an hour!!

I am still testing out the speed to see how long it will take to download movies/series with lesser seeds and peers.  But so far it’s been quite amazing.

But I guess the best thing about this whole unifi service (to me) would have to be the iptv. I was playing around with the system earlier today evening and I really loved the whole idea (though not novel at all) of VOD (video on demand). I love the idea of paying to watch for something and the subscription is really really easy. Just select the movie you want to watch and just put the purchase PIN and viola, you’ll have a movie available for your viewing pleasure over the next 48 hours! Quite nifty and I am eager to try it out one of these days (over a long weekend or something).

Anyway my own speed tests will be ariving shortly. I did conduct my own speed test just a couple of minutes ago before writing this post down and the results were not as impressive. Well this is simply because I am halfway downloading some stuff anyway. Will conduct another test sometime tomorrow or so.

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