Of fate and free will


“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand” – Randy Pausch

I have always loved movies which have a moral story behind it. I would often watch these type of movies over and over again simply because every time I watch it I learn something new. The Adjustment Bureau does not fall shy of this. Although it’s a mash up between a sci-fi movie and a romance drama, the story left an impression upon me, which inspired me to write this entry.

The movie’s premise revolves around the theme of Fate versus free will. Can we shape our destiny? Do we have a set of pre-determined path that we HAVE to follow? Can we not choose who we want to be with or what kind of career we will end up in? Does fate even exist in the first place?

I have asked these questions as a young adult many years ago, and throughout my journey in life, I have asked these questions aloud to my close friends. Most of them have admitted that to some degree there is an element called fate which controls our destiny. Some don’t even have an opinion on faith ; to them, they believe that everything happens for a reason and they should not spend too much time dwelling on the forces which they have no control of.

I tried peering back into my own life ; ruminating all the years that have gone by and I questioned myself, “was it fate that brought you to where you are?” I’m tended to think that the answer is a resounding no and I have my reasons for justifying my position on this matter.

As a person of prayer and a person of God, I find it hard to grasp the concept of fate. Fate to me seems like a pre-determined course and there is nothing you can do about it. And I don’t buy it. To me I’m always under the philosophy of how we respond to the decisions that are thrown at us, rather than why is this destined for me. To a large extent I do not believe that there is something called a pre-determined course. Rather my position is that we can choose how to deal with the situation.

And in essence, (through prayer and god’s grace), we carve out our own will. As Harvey Dent says, “I make my own luck”.


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