I come back


August is almost coming to an end and here I am updating once again. Actually, in my defense I had actually posted a previous entry some time ago (in this month of course) but for some wacked out reason, the cyber cafe I was sitting in…actually wait it was not really a cybercafe, it was a cafe, quite popular actually, you know the one with the picture of a green woman, who sorta looks like medussa in a cursory glance and a green circle around it, well yah THAT cafe actually caused me to lose my previous entry cuz the stupid electricity in that shop went off halfway, and you know what goes off along with the electricitiy right? That’s right, the internet connection too!

Blast, and most of all it was a really good entry too! Anyway since I am back, and I realised I didn’t really write much for August, and that too for good reason. I was in Paradise for 5 days actually, well another synonym for Paradise is Bali, that’s right! yours trully was in bali for 5 days, basking in the sun (which yours truly hates with a vengence!)

Bali was really good, I mean being with friends and all, something which I had actually not done in a long time (go holidaying with a bunch of wacky friends) but it was really nice to escape the mundane work and just have sometime to rest, although the sucky part was yours truly felt sick the first night the gang got into bali. So sad no?

B ut despite the sickness, I decided to still scale Mt Batur, an active Volanic Mountain in Bali. I mean how cool was that yo? To be able to scale a volcanic mountain?! In fact one of the coolest stuff we did there was also have breakfast. You see, because we are on lavaic ground, the earth is actually hot, and so by digging a 1-2 feet hole in the ground and placing a couple of eggs, within 15 minutes you can be enjoying hard-boiled eggs at 1700 meters high! Well I shouldn’t say boiled, it’s actually steamed!

The other highlight would probably be learning how to surf. Yeap, your’s truly…on a surf board that is almost 1.5 times taller than he is… learning how to surve in the Indian Ocean. I gotta say the surfing experience is one of a kind. I guess part of me really wanted to do it because all these YEARS of watching shows like Baywatch, Beverly Hills 90210 and all that american west-coast crap on TV, I always wondered what it felt like to “ride the wave”. I gotta admit, though I didn’t really get to steady myself in the surfboard in that 2 hours of practice we had, I believe that surfing is kinda like ping pong, it’s an easy sport to get the basics, but a hard one to master. I personally don’t think surfing is all that hard. All is needed is just some practice…and constant determination 🙂

If it wasn’t bad enough that I felt sick arriving at Bali, coming home also was a real pain. In fact I was on MC for 2 days the night I reached home. It was quite bad as I had abit of fever and a nasty flu on the return home. In fact as I write this (yes I am backdating this entry :P) I am still nursing my flu!

But life goes on, and it’s good to be back. There are still many more things I wish to blog about, hmm, should have a more discplined approach to actually setting aside 30 minutes 3 times a week to just blog. Doesn’t have to be any serious or thought-profound topic, but rather any rambling rummage that comes into my mind!

I wonder if the have a mid-year resolution practice around the world….

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