No work has not “really” started for me just yet. My last 2-3 days have been filled with downloading an abundant wealth of corporate information on my company. Some of my colleagues, especially the greenhorns have found it, understandably overwhelming. Some are struggling to memorize the company-used acronyms and abbreviations while others are trying to cope up with the reading materials and understand to their best ability, about the company’s delivery model methods and approaches.
Personally for me, it’s going well…all though I am behind my reading and I’m not really blaming myself for it, as I only got my company access and laptop on Tuesday, while the rest of the group obtained theirs on Monday. And for the last 3 days – back-to-back, we’ve been having non-stop classrom-based trainings. Some of them were insightful, some of them were sort of a mirror of the policies and procedures that my previous firm has, and some were…well common-sense, nevertheless I’m glad for the greenhorns’ sakes, those common-sense materials were presented and discussed in class. It was a good thing for me as well to think about how the company manages its profesional image in the business world.
Well hopefully tomorrow more training can be done. As I mentioned earlier, I’m still not assigned to any project yet, and I don’t think I’m going to be assign to any project for 1-2 weeks, which is a blessing in disguise in a way as I’ll get to cover and hopefully finish off my training materials.