The beauty of this country…


Having the opportunity to study abroad really does have its benefits. One of them is that it  allows you to evaluate and then decide on the things that you can come to appreciate about  your native country.  I have to admit, I’m not the most patriotic person when it comes to my  home country.  The only thing that I DO care about in this country is it’s social and economic    issues, especially on employment, education, healthcare and society.

Today, being the auspicious festive season for the chinese, it has made me realize how beautiful this country is. If you’ve gone to other countries, festivals are usually concentrated to a specific ethnic group.  It’s not a cause for a national holiday or major celebration.  However, I am impressed and somewhat taken up by how my country celebrates these holidays. Be it whether it’s the chinese who are celebrating the Lunar new year, or the Malays with their Hari Raya or even the Hindus and the Christians with their Diwalis and Christmases, there is always a sense of unity when the holidays come around. Everyone is in a cheerful mood, even though they are not celebrating the holidays… and I think this is what makes Malaysia truly a beautiful and wonderful country.

Now if we can only do something about the heat… 😛

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