Decluttering myself


I have this super bad habit, and how I got to “contract” this bad habit… I ‘m not sure as well and this bad habit is…well its not really a BAD habit…rather its more of a condition. I think I’m suffering from Clutter’s Disease.

Okay I now it’s not really a disease, but I have this major issue when it comes to organization. For some reason, I just can’t seem to reorganize myself. Even if I do try, it would probably last for a couple of days. I’ve read a couple of self-help books, I’ve tried to adhere to a strict discipline, but oh man… within a week I’m right back where I started.

And I figured the reason for this is simply because I’m just too tired to make a change. Consistency has always been a problem for me. Its not like I can’t do it or I am not capable, on the contrary, that’s what makes it all the worse. I know I AM capable of organizing myself and I guess that’s where the difficult part is – getting up and actually doing it.

My office desk is in a cluttering mess (although I must admit it’s not as bad as some others 😛 ), my books at home are all over the place, my wardrobe is chaotic, my new house is still messy, and the list goes on and on and on.

Yes I know I’m just rambling away and just throwing a fit here,  but I’m really looking forward to the coming holidays. Heh the whole office is already in a holiday mood! I’m really gonna use this time to really sort out a couple of things, hopefully by the time the holiday is over, I would have already gotten things in order!

That’s all for now…

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