Just being immersed in God’s faithfulness in my own life and to others around me really does inspire me to in part, be faithful towards Him. What does this mean? Well quite simply putting Him first, worshipping and adoring Him, and just living a godly lifestyle and setting a Godly example; something that is almost uniquely impossible and difficult to achieve…
Still that doesn’t deter me from achieving my spiritual goal. Even if it’s just one day or 3 days that I do try to be strongly faithful to me, the important thing is I do try.
Now why do I need to do it? Why be inspired by God’s faithfulness? Afterall God is much much bigger and more powerful than I am, He has all the “resources” and capabilities to be faithful to me, who am I to match my level of faithfulness with His?
Honestly, apart from the obvious fact that God actually commands us to be imitators of Him (Eph 5:1), to me personally I feel this is an offering that I can present to God. It’s not that great, but offering to Him my faithfulness (to him) brings me closer to Him.
Just like how an artist or painter’s child would offer her squibbly and simple drawing to her father as an expression of her appreciation to her daddy, it’s a likable comparison as to when we offer something which God desires. If you can imagine daddy’s delight upon receiving such a precious gift from his daughter, what more would a heavenly daddy who has already given so much of hope and blessing in your life?