Due to the extremely slow connectivity I’ve been experiencing over the last few weeks, I’ve decided to suspend my blogging activity momentarily. I don’t know why but for some reason it takes me forever to even enter my blog, let alone publish it. I suspect it’s because of the ongoing cable links issue problem which I’ve heard will be rectified sometime this week. It sucks to have to do this, but then again it’s just going to be for a short time, at least until the connection improves, which I hope won’t take long.
Just a quick aside, the reason why I didn’t blogged much for december is simply because my relatives were down for the christmas holidays. Hence yours truly had a full time job of playing host and tour guide for 2 whole weeks. So yeah, I plan to lay low for a while and just take it easy for abit. Heh, funny as you grow older, you realize you need a slightly longer time to recharge your batteries, and I’m not even past 30 yet!!! Oh well, different bodies, different responses I guess 🙂
See ya all next year 🙂
Note : This is a back-log post