Water, mud, bread, fish, basket, bathe, spit, wash, stretch, rise. All common elements that God uses to achieve the supernatural. The gospels are full of them. In every miracle, Jesus performed he didn’t use big magical stuff or fireworks to bedazzled his audience or crowd. He didn’t even require the other patient to have deep and matured faith or be well versed in the Torah or be skilled in quoting the riches of the Psalms.
He used the ordinary everyday items and actions – things that we often take for granted or don’t even give a second glance to achieve something greater. He takes what is possible, what is within our means and does the impossible beyond our means.
Lately I have just been thinking a lot about this – how god just uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary. We don’t need to be deeply religious (although its a good thing to be deeply rooted in our faith) or experience spiritual ecstascy to achieve miracles in our lives. God, who is infinitely omnipotent, who can transcend beyond time and space, who will even take just 5 minutes of your prayer time to Him to only give it back to you a hundred folds, is able to take the ordinary stuff in your life, and make it truly extraordinary, be it your family, your work or your career – He is Lord of everything, and all he asks of you…is your Faith, your time for Him, and to just love Him. God is able to work wonders in your life, regardless where you are, regardless what you are.
He is the God of the Extraordinary who works in Ordinary things.
Now that’s food for thought.