Note : I told myself I need to write more, especially during this long break that we have so here goes – 3 posts on the red dot to celebrate its National Day
The Red Dot. I dont particularly have great memories of the red dot because of the ghost of my past life is rooted around this place. Not getting to come here to win back my ex many years ago left me wounded for a couple of years, so much so when I was even discerning religious life with the Reds and was invited to come to the Red Dot for a weekend to get to know the community better left me with a lump in throat. I wasn’t ready. And so for a number of years, I ignored the red dot while I looked elsewhere and went about with my other ambitions in life.
Of course until I met Ms. Somwehat back in 2014 which changed the course of my own history and my own life. Little did I know the place that I had had so much wounds and hurt would also be used by God to grow me further as a married man and as a Dad. Yes, I achieved two “life promotions” in a short span of 3 years – really the fastest promotion I have ever gotten in my life.
I have documented well and thoroughly about my life and the whole preparations I made to move down to the red dot (see Archives – June – Aug 2016). Moving here was an exciting yet challenging time for me. I could finally be with Ms. Somewhat and I finally had a job too here. And yet challenges abound – getting used to this place, its culture (yes yes despite what many say of a lack of culture in this place, this place still has some values it espouses to – pragmatism, efficiency and tolerance, or a lack of you could say.
Having crossed August 2020, I have spent 4 years of my life here in this red dot. Life here has been good in the general sense of the word, challenging but I have gotten accustomed to life here. I have relished and I am proud of the home we have built here and also the projection of my career so far. Yes things could be better in the career side of things, but I suppose this is where I turn to my Divine Career Counselor for guidance – just keep trusting in him and let Him take charge of my career while I focus on the family and the domestic affairs.
Over the next 2-3 essays, I plan to focus on some thoughts so far in living in this highly rated place. Its definitely a privilege for me to be here (something I treasured deeply when I came over here but now I seem to forget and have gotten somewhat complacent).
In my first essay, I will focus on the environment – work, faith and just the general sense of being in a place like this. In my second essay, I will turn my attention to the people aspect of things – attitudes, dispositions and mannerisms.
Let these 3 essays be a representation of my thoughts as we approach the National Day weekend celeberations.
Stay tuned for more.