In 3 days time, we will finally be moving to our home, our first and official family home. This is definitely a significant event for both the wifey and me and also our little one (even though he is clueless as to what’s going on sometimes but rest assured he’s aware of Number 7.
Yes, our new home, Number 7. To say the wait has been agonizing for both wifey and me would be an understatement. Ever since we confirmed that we were going to settle down in Singapore (which was back in February!) it has been one long and meandering journey for both of us. From choosing a place to preparing and signing the docs, to patiently waiting for the former seller to vacate the premise and dealing with the authorities on approving our renovation permits to finally starting with the actual renovation work, it has been one helluva ride!
The events that had affected our personal lives, the missed promotions, managing the expectations of my in-laws, to losing our child through the miscarriage and dealing with the stresses of work has taken its due toll on the family.
We were essentially in Nomad’s land. Even before moving into my in-laws, we were living off on borrowed property and flushing down good rent money. We could never call our first place, our home although it was a decent start for the family. Yet somehow it lacked the warmth that we aspired and wanted to reflect in our lives.
Moving into the in-laws home was truly a “wilderness-in-a-desert” moment for us. Not only were we Nomads, but we were also stuck in our current predicament. With impending delays that were beyond our control, we felt trapped at times. For me personally, I felt that I was a burden, an extra weight in the house. It was also hard for me to adapt given that I had gotten used to living on my own or with the wifey. The last time I had ever stayed so long was when I had just returned home from Canada and I was actively searching for a job. Bunking with my parents was great as I had access to the car, to the computer and internet and I could truly focus on starting off my professional and adult life – but even that too was for a duration of 3 months and 15 days! . This time was far longer – close to 5 months and that too with a growing toddler. It wasn’t easy at all.
And so the move is big for us. It’s a momentous event for the family. We are finally going to stop becoming nomads. We are going to put real roots down. I for one, am so looking forward to the house. The fact it is near a church and the sports center is a real blessing for me and the family. Our spiritual and physical needs can be met – not to mention great home-cooked food that my wife will dish out from her personally designed kitchen island to feed and satisfy our dietary needs – it is definitely something that we have longed for so long and in two days time we will realize this dream.