Okay clearly I am being overdramatic about this but yes my blog did suffer a near-fatal death over the last week. Its as though my blog had a string of all types of issues that wreaked major havoc on my site – from database failure issues to losing my admin access and to code header errors, it was just a terrible and painful feeling to see my blog just “lying” unused and plagued by all these issues! And all this at a time when just days ago I spent some money to get a proper decent theme!
Anyway, after some exasperating encounters with the tech support hosting site and numerous tickets to “treat” my blog, I finally managed to get it all settled. But the painful part of this process was that I lost my primary admin rights because of the database corruption issue. I am just thankful I didn’t lose my whole site in the process.
I am glad this painful experience is over. Time to get back to some regular writing reflections!