Those were the words that the wifey echoed as I anxiously pulled out the score for the two papers I recently completed in August as part of my MBA exam. It had been a very trying time for both of us during that period – lots of late nights with weekends being sacrificed as I would spend hours in the library rushing to complete my revisions and attempt past exam questions before meeting the wifey at Mt. Alvernia Hospital for our 6-week baby class.
To add to that, work pressures were also pilling up as I got involved in a proposal with a MD who is not well liked and known in circles. I dreaded the moment I accepted the job but because the job was “recommended” to me, I guess I had no choice but to go ahead and complete. And so there I was by day slogging at work to meet my project obligations and at night try my best to complete the proposal and if there is any waking time left, try to sneak in some revision time before calling it a night.
But it was the weekends that got to me the worse. Weekends are supposed to be a time of rest and respite and I didn’t get any of that…for a good 1 month. It was just madness trying to catch up on my studies over the weekend and that too coupled with two revision classes on Sunday at 8am and Sunday again at 9pm for both my courses. It was tiring and at times I just didn’t know what kept me going.
And yet here I am – a month later, after enduring all those trials and making my way to Kent Ridge to write my papers for two days I managed to score distinctions in both my courses. To see those results was truly edifying and humbling. Edifying because I felt that all my hard work, all those late nights paid off. Humbling, because without God’s grace and the support of wifey during those months and moments, I wouldn’t have made it. From those nights where I would come back in middle of the night (literally at 11 plus) to those times she encouraged me to push on when I would take short 2-3 minutes break from studying at the library, this has been truly a moment to remember, reflect and to give thanks.
And because of that 91 score, I am now on track to complete my MBA with a Distinction. That is something that I am really proud of.