A good friend once told me “if you want to make God laugh, just show him your plans”. There is something about our God that is infinitely good and mysteriously generous. I would envision God’s hotline switchboard blinking red for all those who are praying for help and a miracle, those in green giving thanks and praising him and those in different other colors just needing to talk to him without any requests. In all my life, as I comb back through the memories and ruminate, its really safe to say that God has not met my expectations – he has exceeded it. I just find it so puzzling sometimes how generous God is. Of course I am grateful, but I am often time left stunned with my mouth agape and my heart racing. Memories of painful moments do pass by and I wonder to myself – is this really that same God?
And yet, sometimes I feel God telling me 2 words whenever these mouth agaping moments occur : Think bigger! Its the same reminder I once had during my 22nd birthday in Canada when I first experienced God’s miracle in the missing cellphone (they should make this a household story one day!) That was when God told me as I was giving thanks – if I can do something like this for you, what more can I do in your life
I am often reminded of the incident in Luke 5:1-11. After preaching to the crowds, the fisherman, who toiled all day long and still decided to obey to god’s will by allowing Jesus to come into their boats were rewarded with a huge catch so much so guilt overcame one of them. Sometimes, I am like that guilty fisherman…and yet our God is still so generous. Isn’t that a wonder?!