Cause and Effect


Ever wonder why news of people attempting suicide or committing suicide often grabs our attention? Ever wonder why we only begin to take action when a child commits suicide as a result of cyber bullying and start wondering what went wrong? Its often the things of the extreme that often grabs our attention and we start to realize things. I just recently experience this at work in which we experienced some major issues in our project and prior to that event occurring no one really gave much care or thought to it.  It’s only when there’s a causality, and that too, something negatively reinforcing that affects us and we start to take action.

Why is that so? Why can’t we learn things before they happen? Why can’t we take necessary preventive measures to ensure we don’t fall into any unfortunate circumstances.  Alas, we are humans, creatures of habit and I think if we could actually learn how to do this, even if just 10% of the human population can learn how to take proactive and preventive steps – then maybe the world won’t be that bad of a place afterall.

But then again, would we also end up being too paranoid as a result?


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