Latest stories

Don’t Be A Hero


She was a Senior Manager and noticed a bunch of us young greenhorns sitting around the window at Level 64, chit-chatting amongst ourselves. Realizing that the appointed trainer who was supposed to cover some topics for us as part of our New Joiner Orientation week was not around, she took it upon herself to spend some time talking to us. That impromptu chat would turn out to be the best advise...

You Have No Power Over Me


He was the probably the most powerful person in the least powerful district in the whole of the Roman Empire. He was looking to edify his position; at least he wanted to feel important, like he was in charge of everything in a literal god-forsaken timelin and a place. He knew of the season ; lots of hubbub lots of commerce, lots of people, and with all this, lots of nuisance and potential...

When Its Really Just A Job


This week marks my 4th week on the job. I started around 1 month ago, and it has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride in my new place. To say that my job is easier than before is not entirely true, but to say it’s much harder than before is also a claim I cannot stand by. It’s just different Different in the sense that this is, in its true sense, a product based company. The division that...

Understanding MY OWn


They are inseparable at times. They crave each other’s affections. One copies what the other leads. They get angry and frustrated when one or the other thwarts or intervenes in their work or play. They cry foul when one, without malice, injures the other. And in just mere minutes, they are reconciled, like best friends, like nothing ever happened. If they are split or aggrieved by the other, it’s...

Starting another New Chapter


In the course of my journey with this blog, I have written on numerous occasions on reflections of my departure from my job and moving on to a new job, be it back in 2008, when I marveled at the majestic Twin Towers that would be my new office space, or the day that I hung my consulting boots to enter the end-user environment for the first time. In all those moments, as I re-read my entries...


Admin Stuff